Three Cheers for Volunteers!
Volunteer with St. Joseph’s Health Foundation
St. Joseph’s Health Foundation’s Gala and Golf Classic would not be possible without the help of volunteers. Our volunteers play a vital role in the success of our events.
For more information about volunteering at one or both of the Foundation’s premier events please contact Pamela Kleine at 315-703-2128 or pamela.kleine@sjhsyr.org.

Gala 2017: Pictured Center – Pamela Kleine, Director of Special Events & Annual Giving, St. Joseph’s Health Foundation, flanked by her Gala volunteers:
Front – Laura Snyder, L to R: Evelyn Medina-Voutsinas, Michelle Foti, Melissa Madigan, Pamela Kleine, Lisa Klapan, Biallah Green, Nancy Peggs and Lisa Laribee