Planned Giving
St. Joseph’s Health Foundation is grateful to accept planned gifts from generous donors wishing to support the future of our Mission. There are a variety of ways in which you can support our patients, families and caregivers while also ensuring that your generosity creates a lasting and meaningful legacy.
In addition to fulfilling your philanthropic interests, planned gifts are a great way to establish guaranteed income streams and financial security while also taking advantage of the tax benefits associated with charitable giving.
Including St. Joseph’s Health Foundation in your estate plans is easy and we are here to help you explore the many ways you can give.

Estate Gifts
St. Joseph’s Health Foundation can be included in your estate plans through:
- Bequests in your will or living trust Wills and Living TrustsAllows donors to give to St. Joseph's Health without impacting their assets in their lifetime.
- Naming a residual beneficiary of your estate Residual Estate BeneficiaryAllows donors to allocate their estates to loved ones with only the remaining value passing to St. Joseph's Health.
- Naming a beneficiary on a life insurance policy. Life Insurance PolicyDonors can name St. Joseph's Health as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy or transfer ownership of a fully paid policy to St. Joseph's Health.
- Naming a beneficiary on retirement funds Beneficiary of Retirement Fund AccountsDonors can name St. Joseph's Health as the beneficiary on their retirement funds very easily by be submitting a beneficiary change form.
- Naming a beneficiary on bank or brokerage accounts Beneficiary of Bank or Brokerage AccountsThis can easily be done the same as retirement funds mentioned above. Keep their assets during their lifetime and allow the assets to pass to Trinity after their passing.
If you are interested in naming St. Joseph’s Health Foundation as a beneficiary in your will or trust, you can utilize sample bequest language found here.

Income Producing Gifts
Planned giving strategies can be financially beneficial, providing steady income streams during your lifetime. Consider establishing a:
- A charitable gift annuity, or Charitable Gift AnnuityEstablishing a charitable gift annuity is a great way to receive tax benefits and establishes a fixed steady income stream for the donor during their lifetime. Gift annuities can also pass to a named second beneficiary and only pass to St. Joseph's Health at the end of the second beneficiary’s lifetime.
- A charitable remainder trust Charitable Remainder TrustsCharitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT): Provides a steady, fixed amount, income stream during the donor’s lifetime with the remainder passing to St. Joseph's Health at the end of the donor’s lifetime.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT): A CRUT provides a steady income stream, based on a fixed percentage of the value of the trust.

More Ways to Give
- Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA (aka IRA Rollovers or Required Minimum Distributions from IRAs:Donors must meet a few IRS requirements (i.e. age 70 ½) and they can donate their Required Minimum Distribution to a qualified charity without adding the contribution amount to their taxable income, for gifts up to up to $100k.
- Shares of stock/securities Stock Shares also called securitiesDonating shares of securities is simple and can be done through wire transfers from the donor’s brokerage account(s) to St. Joseph's Health brokerage account. These gifts can provide substantial tax savings.
- Donor Advised Funds Donor Advised FundsSt. Joseph's Health is pleased to accept and acknowledge gifts through Donor Advised Funds. Donors can make recommendations for annual distributions to St. Joseph's Health for their specific areas of interest.
- Endowments Endowed GiftsEndowed gifts are invested and only a portion of the earnings are spent each year to allow the principal gift to grow, keeping pace with inflation and proving spendable earnings in perpetuity.
- Real Estate Real EstateDonors can consider gifting residential or commercial real estate, as well as undeveloped land/property, providing certain property requirements are met and St. Joseph's Health agrees to accept the property.

Contact US
If you choose to include St. Joseph’s Health Foundation in your estate plans, please use our legal name, address and federal tax ID listed below.
Legal name: St. Joseph’s Health Foundation
973 James Street
Syracuse, New York 13203
Federal tax ID number: 22-2149775
Trinity Health encourages its donors to consult with their financial and/or legal advisors when making decisions regarding their estate plans.