St. Joseph’s Health Emeritus and Retired Physicians Luncheon
St. Joseph’s Health Foundation hosted the Emeritus and Retired Physicians luncheon on June 28, 2018. Leslie Paul Luke, President and CEO of St. Joseph’s Health, presented the attendees with a St. Joseph’s Health system update and Vincent Kuss, Vice President for Development, reported on the status of the 150th Anniversary Legacy of Caring Campaign. The luncheon provides the physicians the opportunity to reconnect with their colleagues and stay up to date on the ever changing health care industry and St. Joseph’s Health system.

Pictured L to R: Duane Cady, MD, Edward Carsky, MD, Harold Small, MD, Ronald Kameny, MD, A. John Merola, MD,
John D’Addario, MD, William “Buzz” Roberts, MD, Randy Kalish, MD, Nabila Elbadawi, MD, PhD and Victoria Meguid, MD